For self assessment; Randomly Choose 3 questions  from boxes and sit for 30 min exam!  

Or Choose 5 questions and sit for 45 min exam! Or Choose 10 questions and sit for 90 min exam!

Don't forget to comment on two of the accompanying photos!!!
Good Luck

1.      A 46 male presented with bleeding per left ear after an RTA: How to proceed? 

      A 55 years old lady who has been tracheostomised before two month, and have frank history of COAD, presented by stridor while the tracheostomy tube is in place: how to proceed?

  3.      What is the clinical differential diagnosis in a case of dizziness?

 4.    Give short review about pharyngeal pouch: presentation and management. 

  5.      Give short review about anatomy of the pharynx.




6.      Give short review about anatomy of the larynx.

  7.      Give short review about anatomy of the middle ear.

  8.      Give short review about anatomy of the oral cavity.

  9.      Give short review about anatomy of the ossicles and mechanism of hearing.

  10.  Give short review about anatomy of the cervical lymph nodes.

11. A 42 years old male presented with a neck mass not responding to medical treatment for one month, FNAC shows squamous cell carcinoma, How to proceed? 

12.  Give short review about swallowed foreign bodies.

13.  Give short review about foreign body inhalation.

14.  Give short review about different oral ulcers.  

15.  Give short review about different tonsil diseases.

16.  What are the indications of tonsillectomy?

17.  What are the complications of tonsillitis?

18.  Give short review about neck suppurations.

19.  Give short review about the para-pharyngeal space and related diseases.

20.  Give short review about adenoid hyperplasia.

21.  Give short review about obstructive sleep apnea syndrome OSAS.

22.  Give an account about the TNM classification for metastatic cervical nodes.

23.  Give short review about para-nasal sinuses: anatomy and inflammations.  

24.  Give short review about naso-pharngeal carcinoma.

25.  Give short review about salivary gland tumours.

26.  Give short review about cancer larynx: diagnosis and management.

27.  What are the different indications for tracheotomy?

28.  Discuss the different types of chronic suppurative otitis media and enumerate different complications.

29.  How to manage A case of acute otitis media?

30.  Discuss about otomycosis.

31.  What are the different types of deafness?  Give example for each.

32.  Draw 3 different audiogram patterns.

33.  A 32 years old male presented with hoarseness, how to proceed?  

34.  Enumerate 10 causes for epistaxis and give short review about management.



35.  How to diagnose and manage otitis media with effusion (glue ear)? 

  What is the differential diagnosis of stridor? 

37.What is the differential diagnosis of dysphagea?  

38.  A 5 years girl presented with eye swelling after an URTI, how to proceed?  

39.  How to safe life of a baby born with choanal atresia? Discuss management.

40.  How to manage a case of post corrosive oesophagitis: early and latter?

41.  Give short account on the differential diagnosis of headache and facial pains.

Oral exam
Room I

What are the different parts of the larynx?

What is the treatment of glue ear?

what is the clinical picture of Acute sinusitis?

What is the clinical picture of Adenoid hypertrophy?

What are the Neck midline cystic lesions in children?

How many tympanogram patterns do you know?

What are the treatment modalities in cancer larynx?

What is the etiology of dizziness?

How to manage ear wax?

What is the differential diagnosis of a malignant nasal mass in children?

Oral exam
Room II

What is the anatomy of middle ear?

What are the causes of stridor?

What is the clinical picture of AOM?

What are the complications of tonsillitis?

what is the differential diagnosis of a benign nasal mass in children?

what is the commonest causes of conductive deafness?

what is the differential diagnosis of a neck mass in children?

Discuss about the physiology of hearing?

Oral exam
Room III

What are the types of CSOM?

what are the complications of CSOM?

What are the indications of tonsillectomy?

What are the contents of the middle ear?

what are the different types of deafness?

How to treat a FB in the ear?

what is the differential diagnosis of a neck mass in adults?

What is the etiology of epistaxis?

what is the differential diagnosis of a congenital  nasal mass ?

How does cancer nasopharynx present?


  What are the different anatomic parts of the ear?

What are the contents of the middle ear?

Describe anatomy of the middle ear?

Describe anatomy of the inner ear?

What are the different symptoms of ear disease?

What are the different methods to examine and investigate ear disease?

What is otomycosis and how to treat it?

What are the different types of deafness? Name some etiologies for each.

Describe  different  types of audiogram and tympanogram?

What is  the clinical picture of AOM? And how to treat it?

Name different types of CSOM  and how to differentiate?

What are the complications of CSOM?

what is the rout of infection spread to intra-cranial sepsis?

What are the different causes of facial nerve paralysis?

What is otosclerosis and how to treat it?

what do you know about Meniere’s disease and how to treat it?

What are the different causes of dizziness?

What do you know about cochlear implants?

Secretory  otitis media and its treatment?

What is the blood supply of the nose?

What are the critical structures in relation to para-nasal sinuses?

Common microbes of  sinusitis

What are the complications of sinusitis
What is the etiology and treatment of epistaxis?

Discuss causes of anosmia.

What is the differential diagnosis of a congenital nasal mass?

What is the differential diagnosis of a benign  nasal mass?

What is the differential diagnosis of a malignant  nasal mass in children?

Head& Neck

What are the indications for tonsillectomy?

What are the complications of tonsillectomy?

How to manage a metastatic cervical lymph-adenitis (with occult primary)?

What are the possible voice rehab. methods after total laryngectomy?

What are the major contraindications for Cancer surgery?

How to differentiate between AFT and Diphtheritic tonsillitis?

What is the N classification in TNM system?

What is the diff. diagnosis of Oral ulcers?

How to differentiate between inhaled and ingested FB?

What are the anatomic subdivisions of the larynx

what is the muscle supplied by superior laryngeal nerve and its action?

Congenital  diseases of the larynx?

D.D. of stridor and hoarseness


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